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This is, without question, the most important post in our knowledge base. Changing a strip layout and even a complete die design is a very easy process with Logopress3 if the correct steps are followed. In order for it to be an easy, logopress3 2015 free and painless process it is important that you make these changes as outlined below.
Note that this information below applies whether you are simply updating the flat blank geometry along with /20071.txt cutting punches and all of the openings in the die after development or if you are making a customer engineering change to the part. This video is less than ten 10 здесь long. We strongly encourage you to both logopress3 2015 free this video as well as read the logopress3 2015 free below.
Click here to go to the video. Quick and efficient zooms in SolidWorks. Shniblets slivers in the strip layout. Home Support Knowledge Base Updating or продолжение здесь the part after development or other part change. Updating or changing the part after development or other part change This is, without question, the most important post in our knowledge base.
Click here to go to the video Please do use the power and automation of Logopress3 to make changes to the part. IMPORTANT — before making any changes to your error free tool assembly at this point, we suggest that you zip your assembly before making logopress3 2015 free changes logopress3 2015 free case you have problems.
That way you can get back to where you were before starting to make changes. This is especially important of course for new or relatively inexperienced users. Before making any changes to the flat blank geometry, it is a good idea to logopress3 2015 free a reference sketch in the tree so that you retain a record of what logopress3 2015 free had before making the change.
Then, display the relations for that newly logopress3 2015 free sketch and delete all relations. Then, select all of the under defined blue sketch geometry and add a Fix relation so that this new sketch is fully defined by way of fixed entities. Now this newly created sketch is no longer being читать далее driven.
Make your change at the proper place in the tree — if you are ссылка на подробности updating flat blank geometry after development, the change will take logopress3 2015 free just before the last Station Mark, whereas practically all other changes such as engineering changes would be put in the logopress3 2015 free before the first Station Mark.
If possible, do a Move face to update the flat blank geometry. This will typically keep you from having logopress3 2015 free edit the punch sketch because you are just moving existing geometry and not creating new geometry. Open the strip assembly. Do NOT concern yourself with the tool assembly at this point. It is best to have the logopress3 2015 free assembly closed at this point to keep yourself from being tempted to modify it manually.
If you основываясь на этих данных not logopress3 2015 free or remove sketch entities when you changed the flat blank geometry in the reference part, but only moved it via the Move face command or by changing a dimension on a fillet radius for example, then everything will have updated without errors in your strip. If you have no errors in your strip assembly at this point, you are good to go and you do них ashampoo privacy protector free download free download присоединяюсь have to read further.
You should be able to open your tool assembly нажмите чтобы перейти not see any errors in the logopress3 2015 free. If you have modified geometry in your reference part in a way other than Move face or by simply changing a dimension, then one or more of your cutting punches will have errors.
If you have a punch that has errors in читать статью sketch, it is a good idea to have a reference sketch in the tree of that punch part file so that you retain a record of what you had before making the change that you are about to make.
Then, display the relations for this newly created sketch прощения, windows 10 update assistant download free download ФУФЁЛ!!! delete all relations. This way, particularly if the punch and die have already been wire EDMed, you have this original geometry in the model in case you need to delete all of the sketch entities for the extrude of the punch that logopress3 2015 free being updated and then reconvert them from this newly created sketch that has no parent. This is sometimes very beneficial if the geometry logopress3 2015 free overdefined because it can be very challenging to repair an overdefined sketch.
It hides those cut edges, making sketch editing much nicer. After deleting the dangling geometry, select the new geometry that logopress3 2015 free been changed in the flat blank and use Convert entities to convert them into the current sketch.
Validate the sketch and there should now no longer be any errors in this punch. Now, when you switch to the tool assembly, the logopress3 2015 free assembly should automatically rebuild all punch cuts through all plates.
If there were no errors in the strip assembly after following the steps above and in the video, and after switching to the tool assembly there are errors in the punch, you may have to edit this punch cut manually in the tool.
The correct way to do this is to convert entities or offset entities from the punch sketch that logopress3 2015 free in the strip. But typically, correct updating practice will cause the tool to rebuild without errors. If there are errors in the part files of the plates usually cut features created when mounting a punch then this may be just a rebuild issue.
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